Annica Nina’s Mithras the King
I think life is just fun and play most of the time when I’m not sleeping. I am very good at hiding so no one can see me – promise! I have a lot of fun with my siblings and all the toys my hooman mommy has given us. Mother Ella takes care of us well but maybe gets a little tired of us sometimes.

Annica Nina’s Majus the Power
My brothers and I play both outside and inside with our mother, who probably thinks I’m the prettiest, I think. Otherwise, I’m just what you’d expect – cute, mischievous and full of speed. Mommy thinks I’m the liveliest of us puppies with the most speed and daddy agrees – he can’t leave his shoes alone. I’ve even tried biting his big toe.

Annica Nina’s Menja the Queen
I am the queen among my siblings. I’m very nice if I may say so myself. Of course, it’s fun to goof around too. The funnest is probably when we are down in my mother’s big enclosure in the forest because there is a lot of fun stuff there, cones and branches, and we have a cozy blanket to sleep on.

Annica Nina’s Magna Mater the Black
I’m a little black on the back and just the prettiest of them all, I think. Although Mithras is a bit more black. Dad thinks I’m a guy and thinks I’m cute guy (but a guy shouldn’t be cute, he should be like, handsome – daddy!… lucky I’m a girl then). Otherwise, life is just fun with lots of mischief, good food and good sleep.

Annica Nina’s Modgunn of Ella
I am mother’s best friend so I will stay with her and my mother. Surely I’m cute?! Although I like my siblings very much. Mom says that they will soon go to other mothers and fathers. I don’t understand, is there more than one of each?